Why Join the 30 Day Fire Your Boss Challenge?

1. Transform Your Life

Break free from the 9-5 grind and create a sustainable business, enjoying freedom and flexibility.

2. Proven Strategies and Tools

Use The Dream Engine to simplify business creation and automation.

3. Expert Guidance

Join Jay and Nikki as they guide you on an exhilarating journey to construct a flourishing enterprise from the ground up!

4. Community Support

Connect with like-minded individuals for support and shared success.

5. Practical, Actionable Steps

Daily tasks designed to ensure consistent progress.

6. Accountability

Stay on track with regular check-ins and structured plans.

7. Achieve Financial Independence

Build a business foundation ready to generate income and provide financial independence.

is this challenge for me?

this challenge is for you if you're ready to escape the 9-5

Week 1: Foundations and Planning

Day 1: Introduction to the Challenge

  • Welcome session

    • Set up The Dream Engine account

    Day 2: Understanding Lead Magnets

    • Overview of lead magnets

    • Examples and case studies

    Day 3: Identifying Your Audience

    • Techniques for identifying target audience

    • Exercises to define audience personas

    Day 4: Brainstorming Lead Magnet Ideas

    • Guided brainstorming session

    • Criteria for selecting lead magnet ideas

Day 5: Validating Your Lead Magnet Idea

  • Methods for validation

    • Gathering feedback

  • Day 6: Planning Your Lead Magnet

    • Outline structure and content

    • Create project plan with milestones

  • Day 7: Review and Q&A

    • Recap of the first week

    • Live Q&A session

Week 2: Creating the Lead Magnet

  • Tips for creating engaging content

    • First draft of lead magnet

    Day 9: Design and Branding

    • Basics of professional design

    • Tools and resources

    Day 10: Polishing Your Lead Magnet

    • Editing and refining content

    • Ensuring consistency

    Day 11: Adding Interactive Elements

    • Incorporate interactive elements

    • Examples and tools

Day 12: Finalizing Your Lead Magnet

  • Final touches and review

    • Peer feedback

    Day 13: Setting Up Delivery

    • Methods of delivery

    • Set up using The Dream Engine

    Day 14: Review and Q&A

    • Recap of the second week

    • Live Q&A session

Week 3: Building the Landing Page

Day 15: Introduction to Landing Pages

  • Key elements of high-converting pages

    • Examples and case studies

    Day 16: Planning Your Landing Page

    • Outline structure and content

    • Create wireframe or sketch

    Day 17: Writing Compelling Copy

    • Techniques for persuasive copy

    • Crafting headlines and CTAs

    Day 18: Design and Layout

    • Best practices for design

    • Tools and resources

Day 19: Building the Landing Page in The Dream Engine

  • Step-by-step guide

    • Set up forms and integrations

    Day 20: Testing and Optimization

    • Methods for testing and optimization

    • A/B testing and user feedback

    Day 21: Review and Q&A

    • Recap of the third week

    • Live Q&A session

Week 4: Driving Traffic, CRM, and Automation

Day 22: Introduction to Traffic Generation

  • Day 22: Introduction to Traffic Generation

    • Overview of traffic generation methods

    • Choosing the right channels

  • Day 23: Organic Social Media Strategies

    • Techniques for driving organic traffic

    • Creating a content plan

  • Day 24: Social Media Advertising

    • Basics of social media ads

    • Setting up ad campaigns

  • Day 25: Content Scheduling

    • Use The Dream Engine to schedule posts

    • Creating a content calendar

    • Day 26: Email Marketing Follow-Up

      • Setting up email sequences

      • Best practices for email marketing

Day 27: CRM Setup and Automation

  • Introduction to CRM features

    • Setting up and automating follow-up tasks

    Day 28: Advanced Automation Workflows

    • Creating advanced workflows

    • Using automation to engage and convert leads

    Day 29: Final Preparations

    • Checklist for launching lead magnet and landing page

    • Final adjustments and preparations

    Day 30: Launch Day!

    • Official launch of lead magnets and landing pages

    • Celebration and sharing successe

Office: 7701 Lemmon Ave.

Dallas, Texas 75209

Call (972) 525-4988

Site: dreamsnaction.com

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